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Citric acid

Citric acid, popularly known as lemon salt, is a colorless, crystalline organic compound from carboxylic acids. Its formula is C₆H₈O₇. It is found in almost all plants and body fluids of many animals.
Formula: C₆H₈O₇
Molar mass: 192,124 g / mol
Density: 1.66 g / cm³
Melting point: 153 ° C
Boiling point: 310 ° C
Soluble substance: Water, Alcohol, Acetone, DMSO, Ethyl acetate

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Vitamin D3

Vitamin D necessary for the use and absorption of vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus in the digestive tract and growth, especially in children.
It protects the body against muscle weakness, is effective in regulating the heartbeat, strengthens the immune system, is necessary for thyroid functions and normal blood clotting. Vitamin D increases calcium absorption from the digestive system and helps calcium accumulation in the bones. Vitamin D increases calcium absorption by accelerating the active transport of calcium. It increases the formation of calcium-binding proteins that aid calcium absorption in epithelial cells, especially in intestinal tissues. It is taken into the body in the form of Provitamin-D through foods. It turns into vitamin D in the skin with the effect of sunlight. This vitamin is necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine and their use in the body. Strong bones and teeth are formed when this vitamin places calcium here.
Sources: Liver, fish, fish oil, eggs, butter, cheese, mushrooms, milk.
Daily need: 200 IU for 0-30 years old, 300 IU for 31-50 years old, 400 IU for 51-70 years old and 600 IU for 71 years and above.
Deficient: Less than 20 ng / mL Insufficient: Between 21-29 ng / mL Normal: 41-80 ng / mL Toxic: Classification according to serum levels greater than 100 ng / mL.
Lessness: Due to the intake of small amounts of calcium and phosphorus, it causes softening of bones and deterioration in bone and tooth structure.
More: It causes nausea and vomiting. It damages the kidneys.
Important for children: If children are taken outdoors when the sun is not straight, the precursor under the skin turns into vitamin D.

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Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate

Zinc sulfate monohydrate, one of the three hydrates of zinc sulfate, is a colorless / white crystalline compound. It is odorless, soluble in both water and alcohol, but insoluble in acetone.

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Methionine is an apolar amino acid and a lipotropic molecule that accelerates the metabolic burning of fats in the body. Since it cannot be synthesized by the human body, it is one of the essential amino acids that must be obtained from the diet. Formula: C5H11NO2S Molar mass: 149,21 g / mol IUPAC number: 2-amino-4- (methylthio) butanoic acid Density: 1.34 g / cm³ Soluble in substance: Water Molecular mass: 149,21 g mol − 1


Vitamin A Acetate

Vitamin A prevents eye problems and blindness. It prevents skin problems by strengthening the immune system. It also treats ulcers in the digestive system; It protects the body against colds and infections in the kidneys, bladder, lungs and mucous membranes. Wikipedia Chemical formula: C20H30O Molecular weight: 286.456 g / mol Solubility: High

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Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q₁₀ is an organic, natural, fat-soluble, vitamin-like substance. It is also called ubiquinone and is a co-factor in the intercellular electron transport chain. It has become one of the most popular dietary supplements in recent years. Formula: C59H90O4
Molar mass: 863.34 g / mol Boiling point: 869 ° C

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Zinc Oxide

Zinc oxide is an inorganic compound represented by the formula ZnO. ZnO is a white powder that is insoluble in water and is widely used in rubber, plastic, ceramic, glass, cement, lubricant, paint, ointment, adhesive, sealant, pigment, foods, batteries, ferrites, fire retardants and first aid tapes. Formula: ZnO Molar mass: 81.38 g / mol Density: 5.61 g / cm³ Melting point: 1.975 ° C Solubility (in water): 0.0004% (17.8 ° C) Molecular formula: ZnO

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Carnitine is a quaternary ammonium cation synthesized from the amino acids lysine and methionine, usually synthesized in the liver and kidneys. During the digestion of fats in living cells, carnitine is needed for the entry of fatty acids from cytoplasm to the mitochondria for energy production. Formula: C7H15NO3 Molar mass: 161,199 g / mol

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